Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ secret garden
~Secret Garden~

chapter 2

Taylor felt so helpless,then she heard a very familiar sound,getting closer,and closer. To her surprise,it was Tipsy that's meowing to her,finally a companion,and Taylor was too happy to figure how the hell did she followed her here.She cuddled Tipsy in her arms so tight,nearly choked her.Still,it seems impossible to get out,the night is getting darker,mist everywhere, she feel like giving up,just wanna lay somewhere and sleep.

She feels its pointless wandering in the dark,so she laid down with tipsy in her arm,hoping she can sleep the nite away,and maybe when the sun is up,she can find her way back.She close her eyes,trying to sleep,but something scared the hell out of her. She hears foot steps, sounds of sticks cracking,someone is coming closer, "could it be a wolf?" she thought to herself."Oh please don't hurt me, don't hurt tipsy"she shouted at that misty figure.

That creature stopped,and speak to her in a gentle tone"Don't worry, im not gonna harm you,Im Count Lucas,who are you? And how did u get here?"
Taylor was shocked," OH MY GOD!!GHOST!!" screamed Taylor.

Count Lucas:"Shhhhh! speak softly, you would wake everyone up,calm down lady,Im not dead,im alive,i can live forever."

Taylor:" Don't lie!! I don't believe you,you must be a ghost,how is it possible for you to still look so young,DON'T COME NEAR ME."she shouted.

Lucas:"haha.I told ya,i can live forever here,i would not age of cause,please don't be afraid of me,if im dead,would my hands be warm?

Lucas walked over and hold her hand,Taylor just closed her eyes,dare not look at him directly.His hands were so warm,Taylor opened her eyes, can't help but looked into his charming blue eyes. She find it so unbelievable,how is it possible, he looked like he is in his 20s,how did he gain immortality.

Taylor stared at him with her eyes wide open,"...o...k, i believe you,im sorry,i sneaked into your house,and read your diary,i thought you must be really cold out there,i wanted to give you my coat.Looks like you're warm enough.Im sorry anyway."

Lucas laughed,:" Oh my, there's never been any human that's been so nice to me,you're the 1st,don't worry,you already warm me enough with your heart.Im so honoured."

He bowed to her, and smiled back to her with such grace, so gentlemen, so lovely.She felt so attracted to him once again,those eyes back in the portrait, were so lonely,so needy. But now she could feel he is so much happier,could it be the world he spoke of? thought taylor.

Taylor:" can you show me to your "world",i promise, it would be our secret,i would not tell anyone,the secret is between you & me."

Lucas:" Don't you have friends & family outside?Im afraid if you come with me, you would be missing them in no time, are you sure? You would fall in love with it once you stepped in.

Taylor:" I just want to have a peek at the perfect world u speak of,rest assure its just for a while,my mum is waiting for me, i would go back after i seen enough.please."

Lucas smiled:" How can i reject you? im honoured to have you as my companion,you are such an angel.But please don't break the promise, or i would destroy the passage way myself.I shall not let anyone harm my friends."

Lucas held her hand,and led her to a big oak tree, it looked so giantic. He placed his palm against the tree,and wispered softly to the tree,like some spells.Then they stepped back, a door like shaped beggin to appear on the surface of the tree trunk. He pushed the door, and the inside is so dark like a tunnel.

They walked in, with big steps, and him leading the way.

Monday, November 24, 2008 @ secret garden
~Secret Garden~

chapter one

Once upon a time, there lives a young lady living in a small town.Her name was taylor,she was the fairest girl in town,her beauty was outstanding. Such a living goddess,such perfectness,yet a humble heart she has.

Every girl is jealous of her beauty, so no one ever praised her,everyone just enjoyed putting her down.She always thought she was not good enough,she don't deserve anything that's good.
So she lives a humble life, with her mother, a widow.Taylor wished she could always remember how her father looked like,always afriad as time goes by,the memory of him would only fade away in time.Life was never fair for young Taylor, her father died on christmas day, when she was 10.

Poor Mister Smith, Taylor's father, he was on his way back from getting the gifts for his wife and Taylor, but he was attacked by a wolf.That was the coldest winter taylor can remember.
Deep in her heart, she wished for a friend, a friend to talk to,someone that would love her for the person she is, not by her looks.Many men tried to persue her,but all rejected,because of their hidden agenda.They don't love her,they just want to have her,like owning the best girl in town.

All she has, was her cat, little tipsy,that furry snow white persian cat. That fat cat was her father's, it was given its name because when its sleepy,it'll walk like a drunkard.

Right at the end of the town,the big mansion that nobody dares speak of,they said it was haunted.
20 years ago,the owner of the house,Count Lucas,lived there,then 1 day he went missing. He was nowhere to be found, no one seen him left the house. Rumour has it,that he was killed by his butler, and buried alive in the big garden behind the mansion.The house soon became the forbbiden house,the unholy place that no 1 dares come near.

Taylor always walked to the house,just to peek in, cause somehow,she feels that she can relate to the mansion, she thinks she belongs there somehow. Just like the house, she is not liked by anyone, so isolated.

Finally on this christmas night,where every1 is enjoying the christmas moments at home. Taylor decided she wants to explore that big mansion, she been dying to find out the secrets in it,her curiousity is killing her.Sneak out of bed, running out on street without any1 notice is easy, everyone else is too busy celebrating.Suprisingly,the giant gate of the big mansion was not locked but wide open,like it awaiting for her arrival.

Without any effort,she easily went inside the house, the doors are wide open too. She lighted up the candle on the small table cover with dust. Slowly she walks up the stairs through the hall way, she can't help but keep staring at the portrait of count Lucus. His blue eyes,so charming,yet seems so lonely. Like telling her,he need a friend too,he needs to be loved.She found his bedroom, and saw his dairy lying on his table,its rude,but she can't help it,but start reading it.

Seems like Lucas was insane, he speak of imaginery being he saw in his garden, he said his friends lived in his garden. He rather stay there and live forever,than to live in the cruel reality.
He believed there's another world existing in there, a secret passage way that only he knows.No one else is to find out, human would only harm the magical creatures, and he decided to live there forever.

Taylor felt so sad,she thought to herself " what a poor men,he must have felt so unwanted that he rather live in his dreams, for so long, he must have died in his own garden,his fantasy had drived him to his grave." She feels she has to find his body,she wants to give him her coat, to give him some warmth,letting him know someone cares.Hoping he could rest in peace.

She starts finding her way to the back of the mansion. Its been ages,now the garden are all covered with weeds, so dark, so eriee, she swallowed, and pick up her guts to step in.The bushes of roses,all withered in this cold winter.Not a living plant she can find inside, just dead bushes and trees with no leaves. Further she steps, the bigger it seems, that garden do look bigger from the inside, she looked back and everywhere around her looked the same, now where is the way back. She got lost, and kept moving forward, only find herself trapped in.

the profile

I'm Raven, Karasu. My horoscope's Libra. I love neko(which means 'cat' in japanese). I enjoyed my days with all my friends. The moment we start the chat going, it goes never ending. My life starts on 11st October 1989 and I definitely hopes that I would achieve what I want in my journey down. Learn more about me just one click away.

the music

talk it out

train to nowhere
WeiJie | Broy

featured: Secret Garden
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